Tax services
To complete a tax file in the direction favorable to business is not a simple task, because tax is one of the most complex issues and risks to all businesses. Viet Australia Auditing Ltd (VAAL) can help you now in indentifying, controling and preventing tax risks through the following services:
- Company tax compliance review, tax risk management.
- Tax risk management, effective business structure for tax purpose.
+ Consult and support business in identifing, controling and preventiing tax risks. Help businesses reduce losses, adverse impacts which are caused by tax risks.
- Revision of tax declarations for businesses, calculating and setting up tax declarations for businesses.+ Help businesses inspect and review business tax declarations which have been made.
+ Consult and support business in making tax declarations.
- Prepare explaination documents and tax refund documents. Application for tax incentives.
+ Consult and support, prepare explaination document and tax refund document for business.
+ Consult and prepare all necessary procedures for tax incentives application.
- Work with related authority on behalf of client.
- Rendering an opinion on the tax aspects of certain accounting treatments.
- Business advisory in handling tax-related expenses in the process of business accounting.
Viet Australia Auditing Ltd (VAAL) is an independent auditing firm, established in Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Detailed all of the changes in Circular 200
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